Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:29

How Does SEO Cost in 2022?

Nautilus Marketing Nautilus Marketing

SEO is a fantastic marketing strategy that EVERY business (small to large) should be utilising. Nautilus Marketing, an award-winning full service digital marketing agency based in London have put together a guide on exactly how much SEO costs in 2022.


SEO is one of our favourite services, and we love flexing our SEO muscles to help boost your online presence.

As a business, we always get asked questions relating to the ambiguities of this mysterious practice. However, a much more common question that we face is: How much does SEO cost? Whether from our SEO prospects or from lovely business owners on LinkedIn who want to find out more, this type of question is expected, but it is worth noting that the SEO cost can change wildly depending on who you ask.

So, even though this question is tricky, we will do our best to answer it for you today, starting with what SEO actually is…

What is SEO exactly?

SEO agencies often portray SEO as some unknown witchcraft that only the experts understand. And while it is a highly technical field, SEO basics are simple.

Essentially, it’s how well your website ranks with the major search engines and, for the most part, this means Google. 

While putting it like that does make it sound pretty straightforward, tons of effort goes into a well-thought-out and successful SEO strategy. There are all sorts of technical antics behind the scenes, and your website needs to be set up in a way that favours the ever-changing algorithms of Google and other search engines.

The Nitty Gritty of SEO

Many SEO buzzwords are floating around, from H1 tags to meta descriptions and link building, so it’s worth getting an SEO expert on board if you want to navigate the choppy waters of search engine optimisation.

However, one of the most critical aspects of the practice is keywords. You need a sophisticated piece of software handled by an SEO ninja who knows how to use it to find keywords that match your industry and business. Then, you implement them into both the back-end of your website and the front-end, where people will read your content & ultimately find you.

This neatly brings us on to a vital aspect of SEO. To fully optimise your search engine, aside from the technical work involved behind the scenes, you will need good copy (text) on your website.

Google is a very clever little monkey, so it can detect when you’re just jamming keywords in for the fun of it. It, therefore, takes a bit of skill in the copywriting department to make sure your content is not only optimised for search engines but that it reads well for your customers. There’s no point doing the hard work that comes with SEO and then having poorly written content, so it’s about finding that balance between the technical and creative side to make it work.

We provide everything we’ve just mentioned and more right here at Nautilus and even offer rolling contracts for our SEO clients. SEO is an ongoing, ever-changing process, so we don’t believe in locking you into long-term contracts, as many other businesses choose to do.

Get in touch with the Nauti Nerds to see how we can boost your rankings with Google and find out more about our SEO shenanigans here.

SEO as Part of a Wider Digital Marketing Picture

SEO isn’t just keywords, link building and technical work in the back end of your website. It’s also about using the proper practices as part of a broader digital marketing strategy. Some strategies may include creative content marketing across different platforms, including social media and much more.

At Nautilus, our nerds have of happy clients under their belts and a track record of successfully boosting their online presence. We are even awarded the Most Innovative Digital Marketing agencies in 2021!

Other companies tend to take your money and do little for it, but we’re passionate about providing a fantastic service to our clients, and we’re obsessed with winning. This way, you can be sure that we work hard constantly to keep you happy and satisfied with our services.

What’s even better is that we also offer a free SEO audit of your website to advise you and show you how you can improve.

How Much Does SEO Cost?

Now we’ve covered the basics, let’s move on to the million-dollar question. And it’s one that is tricky to answer because every company will charge something different for the search engine optimisation services they provide. Some will offer contracts that can go well into quadruple (or more!) figures, while others may offer their services much cheaper but not-so-great results.

It all depends on the level of service you want to receive. Services and SEO costs can range from basic to very comprehensive, depending on the size of your business and website.

Ultimately SEO can cost £50 to £10,000 per month! It really depends on exactly what is being actioned and the skill level of the person or agency.

How Much Does SEO Cost with Nautilus Marketing?

Here at Nautilus, our most populate three packages for SEO are: Basic, Standard, and Premium.

The Basic package comes in at £359 per month and includes 5 keywords. The Standard package is £499 per month and consists of 12 keywords to implement for your business, and the Premium Package is £899 per month and includes a whopping 20 keywords.

Each of the packages is tailored to your business because every business is different, and each includes a custom campaign setup and optimisation process which involves:

  • Off-page SEO
  • On-page SEO (ranging from basic to advanced depending on the package you select)
  • Link building
  • Monthly reporting
  • Keyword research
  • Custom strategy
  • Competitor analysis
  • Blog suggestions

We can also provide a free SEO audit of your website before committing to anything.

SEO is vital to the success of any company, and if you’re not spending your money on it, your competitors will be and will reap the benefits. Our rolling, 30-day contracts mean that you can move on if you aren’t happy because we believe that SEO is an ongoing process rather than something that magically works after a month. You have to be in it for the long run.

If you are offered a long contract elsewhere, the ugly truth is that they aren’t confident they can do the job. But we are.

What You’re Getting From Your SEO Package

What you get from your SEO package will depend on the reason behind why your business and website need SEO. You’ll most likely require aggressive SEO to help overcome your competition, especially if you are in a largely competitive market, which will help you stand out from your competitors.

SEO can also be utilised as an excellent tool for your target market to find you in the first place. Choosing the correct SEO package will help you reach your ultimate goal, whatever it may be. Here we will list some of the basics included in our SEO packages:

  • Link audit and removing spammy links
  • Keyword research
  • Installing analytics software
  • Content optimising and updating your current pages for SEO keywords
  • Improving and linking the internal structure of your site
  • Editing and optimising existing content
  • Monthly reports


The SEO cost in 2022 depends on several factors: your requirements and what you would like to achieve with SEO, project size, nature of your business, niche competitiveness, and other specific aspects of your business.

On average, the SEO cost in 2022 is around £500 to £1000 per month from agency work; whereas, if you were interested in hiring a freelancer instead of an agency, the cost might be as low as £50-150 per month.

The hard truth is that SEO is not the cheapest service out there, but it is vital if you want to see your business succeed in the digital age we live in. Finding an agency you can trust is essential for the safety of your money and time.

Get in Touch with The Nauti Nerds

If you’d like more information on the SEO services we provide, from more deets on our rolling contracts to anything else at all, get in touch with the nerds, and we’d be happy to help.

We love getting to know potential clients and talking shop about the digital marketing services we provide, and we can’t wait to hear from you. We have clients all around the UK and worldwide, so wherever you’re located, don’t hesitate to see how we can boost your online presence with our fantastic SEO services. 

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